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Sileo®: Alleviate Acute Noise Related Anxiety and Fear in Dogs

For the alleviation of anxiety and fear associated with noise in dogs.

Active: Dexmedetomidine hydrochloride.
Comes in 3ml pre-filled syringe.
Part of the  Anxiety Range

What is Sileo®?

  • Licenced for the alleviation of acute anxiety and fear associated with noise in dogs.
  • Contains Dexmedetomidine – anxiolytic at a micro dose.
  • Updated, practical dial the dose syringe – New design, same trusted product.


  • 3 ml pre-filled dial to dose syringe containing multiple doses.
  • For oro-mucosal application into the cheek pouch.
  • Shelf-life after first opening (removal of the cap): 4 weeks.
  • Dose by dots per body weight (view our vet area for our handy dosing guide).

How does Sileo® work?

  • Dexmedetomidine produces dose dependant anxiolysis, sedation and analgesia.
  • The anxiolytic effect is mediated via binding to pre-synaptic alpha-2-adrenergic receptors in the locus coeruleus, preventing or reducing the release of noradrenaline.
  • Lower levels of noradrenaline in turn reduce the physiological and behavioural manifestation of stress, fear and anxiety.

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